Dimosthenis Karatzas


Refereed Papers

A Display Calibration Technique based on Invariant Human Colour Mechanisms

S.M. Wuerger, D. Karatzas, G.F. Meyer

Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualisation (APGV2005), A Coruna, Spain, August 26 - August 28, 2005, ACM Press, p. 171


When human observers are asked to adjust a coloured light such that it appears neither red nor green, or such that it appears neither yellow nor blue, most colour-normal observers have no difficulty in making these adjustments. These hue judgements are not significantly influenced by language or age [Saunders and van Brakel 1997] and individual differences in colour sensitivity are not reflected in the unique-hue settings [Webster et al. 2000]. The human colour system seems to be able to calibrate itself so that there is a remarkable agreement across observers in relation to these unique-hue judgements. Here we show how we can use the invariance of these unique-hue judgements to develop a colour calibration technique for display devices, which eliminates the need for an external calibration standard or a measurement device.

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