Dimosthenis Karatzas


Refereed Papers

A Semi-Automatic Annotation Tool for Archival Documents

J. Mas, J.A. Rodriguez, D. Karatzas, G. Sanchez, J. Lladós

Proceedings of the 8th IARP Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, IEEE Press, Vol. 1, pp. 517-524, Nara, Japan, 2008


This article describes a sketch-based framework for semi-automatic annotation of historical document collections. It is motivated by the fact that fully automatic methods, while helpful for extracting metadata from large collections, have two main drawbacks in a real-world application: (i) they are error-prone and manual intervention is always required, and (ii) they only capture a subset of all the knowledge in the document base. Therefore, we have developed a practical framework for allowing experts to extract knowledge from document collections in a sketchbased scenario. The main possibilities of the proposed framework are: (a) browsing the collection efficiently, (b) providing gestures for metadata input, (c) supporting handwritten notes and (d) providing gestures for launching automatic extraction processes such as OCR or word spotting.

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